Tuesday 27 February 2018

ICOM CI-V Interface

As part of a project to make a voice controlled transceiver for use by blind amateurs we need a CI-V interface from a USB port to the 3.5mm CIV jack on our ICOM 718. These slides show the thinking/research done so far. There is still some way to go to get all the voltages I/O currents and logic correct...

ICOM Voice 1 002

ICOM Voice 1 003

ICOM Voice 1 004
ICOM Voice 1 005

ICOM Voice 1 006

ICOM Voice 1 007

ICOM Voice 1 008

ICOM Voice 1 010

ICOM Voice 1 012 This may not be of interest to everyone. If you spot any errors please email techgroup-m0ifa at gmail.com, thanks